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Thermage is a non-invasive radiofrequency therapy that can address the look and feel of aging skin on many areas of your body. Thermage treatments are customized to your needs, and typically require minimal recovery time. It's a great solution if you want your skin to look sleeker, smoother and younger, but can't afford a lot of time away from work or your social life.

Take Control of Your Aging Skin

Aging affects us all the way we act, the way we feel, and definitely the way we look. But with advancements in skin care, you can have a say in the way aging affects your skin and maybe even get back to the way you looked not so long ago. 

Thermage is a proven, unique radiofrequency treatment that can help improve the appearance of sagging or loose skin, giving you a smoother, sleeker and younger look and feel. Thermage works in just one treatment with little down time and delivers a natural looking result. It's you, just younger looking and more confident.

Thermage is effective on:

  • The Face: As we age, phrases like "turkey neck", loose jowls, sagging skin and "what happened to my jawline?" Thermage smooths lines and wrinkles and remodels collagen for the overall health of the skin
  • The Body: Aging doesn't just affect the skin on our faces, our bodies see the effects too, with crepey, sagging skin, and unwanted bulges and dimples. Thermage is a non-invasive way to smooth the skin on our bodies and even temporarily improve the appearance of cellulite

More Than 1 Million Treatments

Thermage first pioneered the non-invasive treatment of wrinkles using radiofrequency energy over ten years ago, and to date physicians in over 2500 practices and 80 countries have treated patients. That's more than 1 million treatments for women and men of all ethnicities, each with their own reasons for wanting to look and feel younger.

How Thermage Treatments Fit

Thermage is for when you want to tackle the effects of aging on your skin. You want to look younger and you want real results but don't want the overly drastic change or extended downtime that comes with surgery. Thermage fits into any lifestyle and your current beauty regimen:

  • A single treatment that delivers results
  • Non-invasive and clinically proven to be safe
  • Minimal downtime, so it's easy to fit into your routine
  • Real change you just can't get from lotions and creams

Targeted, effective treatment that can help address the signs of aging on many areas of the body

The Face

After a lifetime of laughing, smiling, furrowing brows or lighting up in surprise, the skin on your face can really show the signs of aging. Your face is also the area of your skin most exposed to the elements, bearing the brunt of environmental factors like sun damage. 

Over time, the smooth, sleek look you once had breaks down, becoming uneven, and lined with wrinkles. Your features lose definition especially in the jawline, lips and neck.

The Body

Skin is our body's largest organ, adapting everywhere to the changes in your shape, activities and lifestyle. As we age, our skin's resilience and elasticity decreases especially after major life events like childbirth and sometimes never returns to that smooth skin feeling. 

For most people, age brings with it areas of uneven or unsightly bulges that just can't be remedied with exercise or diet. It's skin not fat that often gets in the way of achieving the youthful look we all desire

Thermage is a proven radiofrequency treatment that transforms skin by working below the surface and addresses a wide range of surface imperfections that result from age and environmental factors. Benefits include the smoothing of wrinkly or uneven skin, better definition of facial features around the eyes, jaw and neckline, and even the smoothing and toning of unsightly bulges, dimples and wrinkles on the face and body. 

Thermage radiofrequency energy works with your body, remodeling your collagen to help your skin get that smooth feel and youthful look you want. Thermage treats targeted problem areas so the results are focused and effective.

Treatment Facts

Thermage treatments are typically 45 minutes for eyes or face and up to 90 minutes for larger body areas.

One treatment is all you will need to see and feel real results.

Most patients can see and feel Thermage results very soon after treatment in as little as one day. Continued improvements and contouring can happen for up to six months as your body regenerates collagen. Your body actually produces new collagen which is how the collagen matrix thickens and creates a smoothing effect. Even better, results can last years.

Thermage CPT technology adds a gentle vibration sensation and interspersed cooling bursts that give you even more comfort during treatment. You will feel cooling and heating sensations during each pulse. Throughout the procedure, your physician will ask for feedback on the level of heat sensation to help balance your comfort with maximum results. After treatment, your skin may be slightly red, but most people resume regular activities immediately after treatment. There's typically no recovery time or special follow-up care.